Tips to help you stop smoking cigarettes

Quit smoking cigarettes right now. Select a day and an hour as soon as possible. Do not wait it for months or years. Nobody has ever died of emergent lack of nicotine use. When people try to quit smoking it step by step they actually try to avoid the problem which associate to faint willpower and insufficient motivation. Create your own schedule and exactly write it down on paper. Define understandably why you want to quit smoking cigarettes. Analyze the reasons of the last time you failed to quit smoking. When you smoke again try to answer the question what exactly pushes you to light a cigarette and keep analysing the facts. Soon you see there is nothing unbeatable. Buy a package of cigarettes and put away in a deep dark place at home so that when you are about to smoke it will take you time to reach there, time to think before smoke. Think, think, and think. Analyze. Write down your thoughts and conclusions.
Ask yourself :
How do non-smokers live without tobacco?
How many times smoking helped me to determine a problem?
make your own decision and evaluate it is the right one for you. Stay positive; congratulate yourself for your own success, reward yourself. Save money and spend it for other things that make you happy. Do not admit a single cigarette to destroy your victory so far. Remember and remind yourself your life is unique and better. Perform more physical exercise; organize more rendezvous in nature. Try to socialize with non-smokers.

Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarette

Why do I smoke cigarettes?

Why do I smoke?
An appropriate question isn’t it. Tobacco smoking is one of the cheapest pleasures in the world, therefore it is very widespread. A beer or a pizza is a few more expensive than a cigarette, not to mention high-priced hobbies like golf, tennis or swimming. That is why tobacco use is more common in poor social classes than in well-to-do ones. Yes, the unhealthy habit brings pleasure and costs less. This is indisputable truth. Undoubtedly, nicotine highly affects on human mind and the whole nervous system. Strong but brief is the effect that comes from a dose. There are many drugs in medicine that can be simultaneously a cure and a poison depending on the dose one takes. It is all about the dose. The first two and three inhalations from a cigarette are truly energizing, exhilarating, relieve mind and body but after comes the real nicotine intoxication. Tobacco smoking is declared officially addictive. It provokes the need of permanent increase of the dose and accepting it more often than before. There is no sense in the theory of rare tobacco use so I do not support it.

Quit Smoking With Electronic Super Cigarette

International Classification of Diseases

International Classification of Diseases (ICD) declared nicotine addiction as an illness. Statistics confirm that fifty per cent (50%) of long standing smokers, half of them efficient to work die due to tobacco smoking. Tobacco use is a main risk factor that brings lung cancer, has serious consequences on the respiratory system and cardiac-vessel system. Local news in Poland represent that statistics show there are thirty-four per cent male and twenty-two female smokers now. An annual expense for treatment for tobacco smokers reaches eighteen million zlotys in Poland. This can possibly escalate to one hundred ninety-eight (198) billion zlotys for the next twenty years unless we do something about the dangerous habit. The sooner Poland starts to use the efficient methods against use of nicotine so to decrease the number of smokers, the lower death level would become and less the expense for treatment.
Recently, there has been another research in Poland with only purpose to define how effective is smokers’ fight with their addiction after they have quit smoking for twelve months. Scientists claim that a twelve-month-treatment is an indicator itself whether used methods are effective or not.
In conclusion, due to the research in Poland, it is more effective for you to combine pharmacological with natural methods when you try to save yourself from the unhealthy habit.

Think again and quit smoking today!

Think again and quit smoking today!
The most dangerous substances are tarry and pitch. They cause cancer. Nicotine is the reason why smokers cannot quit smoking. It affects the brain – you are relaxed, exhilaration becomes higher and cuts down the appetite. Erythrocytes transfer oxygen to the organs of the human body. Carbon oxide takes much of the oxygen which is in erythrocytes so they cannot transfer it all.
Tobacco smoking:
-It causes heart attack and lung cancer;
-It harms your skin, it causes skin tumor
-It harms your dental enamel;
Smoking also affects badly on people around you. It causes them:
-Splitting headache
Beside these unpleasant things, tobacco smoke makes everything smelly – hands, hair and nose. I guess that no boyfriend/ girlfriend would like to kiss you then. You will not have to quit smoking if you never begin. For that reason my advice is do not do it. You have to make a daily scheme to help you quit smoking but must be very strict about it. There are many female smokers who quit smoking everyday. The next day they start smoking all over again.
You have to make a daily scheme to help you quit smoking but you must be very strict about it. There are many female smokers who quit smoking everyday. The next day they start it all over again. Think it through again and quit smoking from today on!